Weekly Buzz

January 26, 2018

Weekly Buzz 01/26/18

Hello Collectors,

If you’ve been following our social accounts, you’ve hopefully seen us engaging with the community a little more. We’re hosting #GuessingGiveaway over the weekend, where players have the chance to win a Mystery Box for a correct answer. We’ve also introduced #ThrowdownThursday, where we’ll be pinning WallaBee characters against each other in a battle for glory. Who did you vote for this week? Sarah Jurrasica Parka or Thrilling Ending? Whoever you think would win, we believe it would be a very entertaining match! If you have a suggestion of who you think should be featured in a Throwdown, tweet us @WallaBeeGame.

Behind the Curtain

Version 2.2.2 came out yesterday, which allows us to begin issuing Grab Bags and Wallagraphic Items. Although we made many improvements with the app, it created a lag with performance on various devices. We are currently investigating the root of the issue, so it can be plucked like the weed it is. We will keep you updated as things progress.

Grab Bags will begin hitting the game next week! As a reminder, we are planning for a slow release from older to current sets. You can expect the Circus Bag to show up sometime during our office hours, so we can keep an eye on the excitement! 😉

January’s WallaPak sold out very quickly last week, with the limited number of goodies sent out to their new homes. We have February’s WallaPak in hand and ready to launch, mid February. There have been suggestions for a virtual WallaPak, which we are taking into consideration. Thank you for your feedback about this new product.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

Arctic Antics closed it’s small chapter, with the last two remaining items in the set releasing this week. As we dive into next week, the hype for Grab Bags continues. Speaking of our next set, here are some cool highlights.


Just because you can juice just about anything, doesn’t mean you should.

The Great One

There’s no better way to end the day than watching the auroras dance over The Great One with a friend.

Until Next Time

They depart for the night, eager for more arctic antics tomorrow.

Player Unique Spotlight

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted WallaBits. You can read more about this unique here.



This Week In WallaBee History

January 23rd, 2015: A very special day in WallaBee history… the Helicarrier was released to fly around the world! Both as a recyclable item, and the first location to be available to everyone at the same time.

January 25th, 2014: The entire Burns’ Supper set released on this day, with ikadinda grabbing the first-to-complete trophy! Well done!

January 27th, 2013: Chocolate Birthday Cake was introduced into the game, to celebrate the birthdays of our wonderful players. The first cake was gifted to Ben Wilson, whose birthday is coming up tomorrow! From all of us at WallaBee, we wish you a very Happy Birthday!

January 27th, 2016: The item 1+1=1 was issued as the first Legacy set item. The story it represents is worth having a read, if you haven’t already.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy
    • Under investigation. This has become even more-so of an issue with update 2.2.2, but we are digging in deep to resolve it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing
    • Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix
    • Currently being sorted out.
  • General slowness
    • Under investigation. This has become even more-so of an issue with update 2.2.2, but we are digging in deep to resolve it.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match
    • Under investigation. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon).
  • Store purchases hang up for a long time
    • Under investigation. We’re so sorry for those effected by this issue… which should be everyone. Whoops.
  • Random Crashes (especially on older devices)
    • We have discovered that the ram needed for the app fluctuates way more than it should, sometimes peaking over 1gb, which can cause older devices to crash. We are investigating what is causing this, so that we can enhance app performance.
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January 19, 2018

Weekly Buzz 01/19/18

Hello Collectors,

It’s already the 19th! Where has the month gone?! We may have let the month slip away from us a bit, but we definitely know how the month will end. We have a new app update rolling out within the next few days, which will include some needed updates and fixes (For a complete list of current barriers, you can skip down to the Room For Growth section of this post). Alright, back to the good part of the blog – a quick look at what’s coming soon. We’ve been hinting at a new type of item since the beginning of January, with very little information about it. You’ve seen us tweet about doing some tests with a ‘Fake Item,’ and you’re probably wondering what that was all about. That time has come. It’s time to share what we’ve been up to… at least a little bit. We hope you enjoy!

Behind the Curtain

New items. Everyone loves them, which is why there’s a huge rush to get that precious #1. Whether you just started collecting WallaBee items, or have everything already, we believe you’re going to enjoy the update that’s coming. One thing that draws collectors to keep wanting more, is the thrill of the hunt. We’ve handled that thrill in the past with real-world locations. Players are able to forage items at any place nearby, creating a new way to engage with the surrounding area. Players that found the first of a new item in this way were pleasantly surprised, as they definitely weren’t expecting it. Store-stalkers have also found that thrill in seeing an unfamiliar item appear on the shelves of the WallaStore, racing others to get that first purchase. Then, of course, there’s mixing. Crafting new items by combining two or more other items can generate a different type of rush, as there’s a bit more creativity in pulling that off for a #1. All three of these methods of creating new items have a surprise nature to them. One may not have been expecting to get a new item as it was releasing, but anyone who has experienced getting a low number can attest to it being a great moment. When introducing a new way to create items into WallaBee, we had to make sure there was a surprise element. We also wanted to give newer players an easier way of accessing items within certain sets, rather than just staring at the store, hoping. These new little packages will remind you of another item that is frequently requested – Mystery Boxes. That’s right, we’re introducing a new type of item that allows the player to open it, revealing a surprise inside. It is our great pleasure to introduce:

Grab Bags

The first series of Grab Bags will focus on specific sets, with the possibility of themed or mystery grab bags later on. These items will be slowly released, so as to not bombard the community and economy with too many items at once. The main idea behind Grab Bags is to give a narrowed focus for obtaining items, while keeping the element of surprise alive. Don’t worry, this won’t replace the ability to purchase certain items outright, but instead gives a new way for collectors to target specific types of items. Although this will be great for players attempting to finish their sets, legacy players may be asking what’s in it for them. Here are some specifics about how these puppies work:

  • Grab Bags are WallaBee Themed Exclusive Items
  • Grab Bags are numbered, like other items
  • Grab Bags behave similar to Mystery Boxes – You can open them!
  • Grab Bag prices vary depending on the set
  • Each Set Grab Bag is its own item – no variants
  • Each Set Grab Bag will contain one (1) item
  • Items found in Grab Bags are directly related to that set
  • Set Grab Bags have a chance of producing a ‘chase’ item, specific to that set

Whoa… that’s right, we’re adding a new item to each set, but not how you may think. We aren’t going to send players back to previously completed sets in order to complete them again. No, these new ‘chase’ items reference an older set, but are a new type of item altogether. These are not Set Items, Uniques, or Branded Items – They’re Wallagraphic Items!

These new Wallagraphic Items are only available from opening Grab Bags. Similar to blind box vinyls or trading cards, not every Grab Bag opened will produce a ‘chaser.’ Part of the fun is the thrill of opening a rare toy/card/item. Our desire is for Grab Bags to be fun for everyone, even with varying individual goals. The weighting system for Grab Bags reflects the normal way of obtaining items in WallaBee.

Let’s unpack that last sentence a little bit by looking at the Circus Grab Bag.

A Trip To The Circus contains three basic tiers of items: Ingredients (used in mixes), Non-Ingredients (not used in mixes), and Result of Mixes (RoMs).

This set of twelve items breaks down as follows:

  • Five (5) Ingredients – (Bearded Lady, Clown Car, Clowns, Circus Elephant, & Lion)
  • Four (4) Non-Ingredient items – (Candyfloss, Juggler, Trapezist, & Ring of Fire)
  • Three (3) RoMs – (Ringmaster, Big Top, & Ferris Wheel)

Since ingredients are needed to create RoMs, they should be more common than a RoM. RoMs take more effort to create than Non-Ingredients, so they should be worth more. This structure can already be seen in any set – buying a RoM from the store is almost always more expensive than creating it with Ingredients. We have built the Grab Bag algorithm based on this preexisting element of WallaBee. Ingredients will be found more commonly than Non-Ingredients, which will be found more commonly than RoMs, which will be found more commonly than Wallagraphics.

Here’s a simplified explanation of these new item types:

  • Wallagraphic Items are a new type of item within Collectibles
  • Wallagraphic Items are not Set Items, Uniques, or Branded Items
  • Wallagraphic Items will have their own set type on the profile page
  • Wallagraphic Items are only available through Grab Bags and Mystery Bags
  • Wallagraphic Items add a ‘chase’ type item, themed to previous sets
  • The chance of finding a Wallagraphic (WG) item differs per Grab Bag – Ingredients are common, Non-Ingredients are uncommon, RoMs are rare, and WGs are very rare.
  • Only one (1) type of Wallagraphic is added per set

For more information about Grab Bags, check out our Grab Bag Overview.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

We’ve had four new items this past week, with more on the way soon. Two sets started this week: On This Day 2018 and WallaBee Fitness And Wellbeing. If you missed these items, they can be found in the WallaStore or in the market.

Queen Victoria’s First Call

We’re sorry, the number you’ve dialed is not yet in service. Please hang up and try again.


Let’s be honest – no one enjoys eating right. No one.


The first step to self help is admitting you need help and, boy, does Biffa need help.
The second step is not getting others to do your homework for you!

Discovering New Friends

“See, Ookpik,” she said smugly. “I told you they exist!”

Player Unique Spotlight

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted What Was I Thinking?. You can read more about this unique here.

What Was I Thinking?


Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app as normal. This internal build has reduced battery consumption when not using the store, as it halts animations from processing until the store is brought back into focus. However, this is causing some strange loading with items, which sometimes appears as the wrong item in the store. This can be confusing during a drop, and we are looking into it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.
  • Store purchases hang up for a long time – we are investigating this. We’re so sorry for those affected by this issue… which should be everyone. Whoops.
  • Random Crashes (especially on older devices) – We have discovered that the ram needed for the app fluctuates way more than it should, sometimes peaking over 1gb, which can cause older devices to crash. We are investigating what is causing this so that we can enhance app performance.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

There has been a week-long auction happening in the Auction House. I think most of you have heard about Blue Egg #11? Well, that auction has finally ended, with Julie announcing Betasito as the winner. We would like to send congratulations to both of these players, as we’re sure that milestones were broken with this HUGE auction. You can find the winning bid here, as their post is too long for a decent image.

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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January 12, 2018

Weekly Buzz 01/12/18

Hello Collectors,

Another week has come and gone. We’ve just finished A Frosty Afternoon yesterday, which brings our active set count to one. Luckily for you all, we should see two new sets appear very, very soon. This week’s blog post is a little shorter than normal, but don’t worry. We’ll have plenty to cover next week. 😉

Behind the Curtain

We are putting finishing touches on update 2.2.2. We’re really excited to push out this update and hope you are too! More information about the update will be provided upon launch.

The hosts of the London event would like us to mention that signups for the Friday night event will close on Tuesday, January 16th. If you are interested in attending that event, please make sure you let Cceasar or Stulimont know, as space for the Friday night is limited.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

CARROTS! Well, it finally happened. Carrots were found, snowmen were created, and mistakes were made. Hopefully your encounter with carrots was positive!

Dogsled Ride

Ookpik and Arnaq gear up the dogsled to explore the frozen tundra.


Wow, I’m hungry! Maybe just a small bite?


I did it! The snowman is finished, but it feels like it’s missing something…

Player Unique Spotlight

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Yorkshire Rose. You can read more about this unique here.

Yorkshire Rose


This Week In WallaBee History

January 8th, 2015: The Auction House began with Old Lady releasing on this day. Since that release, the Old Lady has been seen in at least one other set. Do you remember which one?

January 10th, 2016: The original WallaBee team was putting together The Men Of WallaBee 2014, and began a poll in the forums to see which character should be featured as February’s calendar item. Of course, we all know who the winner was.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app like normal. This internal build has reduced battery consumption when not using the store, as it halts animations from processing until the store is brought back into focus. However, this is causing some strange loading with items, which sometimes appears as the wrong item in the store. This can be confusing during a drop, and we are looking into it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.
  • Store purchases hang up for a long time – we are investigating this. We’re so sorry for those effected by this issue… which should be everyone. Whoops.
  • Random Crashes (especially on older devices) – We have discovered that the ram needed for the app fluctuates way more than it should, sometimes peaking over 1gb, which can cause older devices to crash. We are investigating what is causing this, so that we can enhance app performance.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

As a friendly joke from a group of players, I was hand-delivered carrots to the office this week. If players are willing to bring joke gifts by the office to get new items, we should create a set about puppies. P.S. I like corgis. 🙂

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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January 5, 2018

Weekly Buzz 01/05/2018

Hello Collectors,

We made it to 2018! Since no one died from Christmas Crisis, we’re pushing forward into the new year with new sets, new types of items, and new updates. This is going to be a very exciting year!

Behind the Curtain

It’s January 5th, and everyone wants to know about two things: Carrots and Calendars. Where are they? While we’re not quite ready for either to come out, we can give you a head’s up about one of them. This year’s calendar set is going to focus on This Day In History. Dust off those AP History books, because we’re taking a look at some notable events throughout the year. Who said WallaBee couldn’t be educational…

Twenty more Benson items have gone out to monuments around the world, bringing the total of Bensons to thirty-five. We apologize for Benson’s delay, he seems to have a mind of his own. He will be traveling much more this year, so keep an eye out for him at a monument or sculpture near you!

WallaBee HQ enjoyed a relaxing holiday week out of the office, but we’re ready to get going on the new year! We released information about this year’s theme, Breaking Barriers, on the 1st of the year. If you didn’t catch that blog post, you can find it here. The Weekly Buzz was our first step toward breaking one of our barriers, which deals with how we update y’all with what’s going on in the app and behind the scenes. As we continue into 2018, we want to add more content to the blog, as well as our social media pages. We know it’s important for the community to stay engaged, and reaching out to new players through these mediums is part of the solution.

We are just about ready to release update 2.2.2 to the public. This update brings some exciting new features, like a visual timeout indicator on the places tab, checkmarks on location items if you have them saved, and the ability to save a new type of item. Stay tuned through the week as we give more frequent updates about these shiny new features.

Forums. Oh, forums… how you have been such a great (and terrible) aspect of WallaBee. We know you miss how players once flocked to you. We do as well. We’re working on a way to alert them to unread message, so don’t worry – they will return to you once again. We promise.

Another pool fill-up is coming soon! Keep an eye on the mixerpool browser on ItemBrowser.com for the next wave of items.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

As everyone’s fingers recover from December’s many items, we’ve had two new items in 2018 to highlight. Both of these items come from the third BeeKeeper co-directed set: Arctic Antics. If you enjoy the playful design of this set, drop a line to QueenofDNile and tell her what you think!


Ookpik and Arnaq get together to have a day of fun.

Blanket Toss

They begin their day at the festival in the village. Celebrating the Nalukataq is always great fun.

Player Unique Spotlight

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted The Kiwi Chocolate Fish. You can read more about this unique here.

The Kiwi Chocolate Fish


This Week In WallaBee History

January 1st, 2015:  Midnight Kiss and Happy New Year 2015 both released on the 1st of the year, ending the New Year’s Eve Party with a bang!

January 1st, 2016: The January Beast item was released to kick off The Beasts of WallaBee 2016This item has yet to get a name upgrade to something better than the month it released in, and we ain’t lion. -rim shot-

January 7th, 2014: Mr. January released, beginning the very first WallaBee Calendar set: The Men Of WallaBee 2014.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app like normal. This internal build has reduced battery consumption when not using the store, as it halts animations from processing until the store is brought back into focus. However, this is causing some strange loading with items, which sometimes appears as the wrong item in the store. This can be confusing during a drop, and we are looking into it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.
  • Store purchases hang up for a long time – we are investigating this. We’re so sorry for those effected by this issue… which should be everyone. Whoops.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

This week’s highlight is the shocking rediscovery of Blue Egg #11. It sat in the mixerpool for a while before coming out yesterday, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Congratulations on pulling it out of the mixerpool, Julie! Hold onto that one for a long time. It’s quite valuable, as you’re well aware.


If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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December 21, 2017

Weekly Buzz 12/21/2017

Hello Collectors,

Christmas Crisis has just picked up the pace by a long shot. We hope that you’re managing your Pouch well during this time. Pro Tip: make sure you’re foraging between drops, to maximize your available honeycomb balance for more supplies. As the sets draw to a close, it’s going to be vital to have enough items around to complete all seven sets. There’s 112 items in total, and the completion bonus is well worth the effort. Stay with it!

Behind the Curtain

From December 22nd through January 1st, Team WallaBee will be out of the office, trying to spend time with family and friends. This means that we’ll be suspending Weekly Buzz posts until the first week of January. We’ll try and make up for the missed time where we can.

Item releases will still happen during this timeframe, with a drop-free guaranteed block of time beginning December 24th – December 26th UTC. This means that drops can happen any time before 23:59 December 23rd UTC, and any time after 00:01 December 27th UTC. This should allow some much-needed recuperation time after Christmas Crisis, am I right? Spend time away from your phone, enjoying the holiday season with those you love, or spend it foraging for some much needed honeycombs… your decision!

We’re really close to releasing update 2.2.2, which will feature some requested new elements, while we work on tackling the beast… erm, forums.

BeeKeeper applications are here! If you’re interested in being a BeeKeeper from January – March, please fill out the BeeKeeper Application before January 1st. All entries will be reviewed, with the first 2018 BK team announced the first or second week of January.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them.This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Light of Willpower. You can read more about this unique here.

Light of Willpower


This Week In WallaBee History

December 18th, 2014:  North Pole released, kicking off Robbie Smith’s Santa’s Workshop set. This icon was used again in a different way when we visited the workshop a second time in Christmas Crisis.

December 18th, 2015: This week two years ago, we opened up BeeKeeper applications for the first time in a long time. It would only seem fitting that we do the same again. In case you missed it above, here it is again: BeeKeeper Application.

December 19th, 2016: Players started getting nervous as we announced Cracking Under Pressure. This set highlighted the festive Christmas Cracker and all six colo(u)red Party Hats. That was definitely a day that no one participating will soon forget.

December 20th, 2012:  WallaBee’s First Christmas released with the first item: Bauble. Trivia Time: Although this set wasn’t the first to release, it is categorized as set #1. This was because WallaBee was planning to launch in 2011, but missed that date by two months, with the first official set (set #2: A Trip To The Circus) releasing along with the app in February.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app like normal. This internal build has reduced battery consumption when not using the store, as it halts animations from processing until the store is brought back into focus. However, this is causing some strange loading with items, which sometimes appears as the wrong item in the store. This can be confusing during a drop, and we are looking into it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.
  • Delayed Mix on Wooden Plane and Wooden Yo-Yo releases. – Although these had the exact same drop time on the backend, there was a caching issue which delayed the process of these items to be spaced out a few seconds. We have adjusted this caching, seen in the Blue Paint and Wooden Train release, to which we haven’t seen that issue arise again.
  • Crashing on store. Crashing randomly. – Under Investigation

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

I’ll probably regret this, but there haven’t been many other options to choose from this week. -sigh- Here’s Mizak, proving that he deserves his top spot on the Naughty List.

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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December 13, 2017

Weekly Buzz 12/13/2017

Hello Collectors,

Out with the old, in with the new! Not with your sets… We’re referencing the in-game stores, of course! We have removed Taste Sensation and Ghosts & Ghouls from rotation and added Festive Friends for the next two months. As Christmas gets ever closer, and deadlines at the workshop draw near, we’re going to need all the help we can get! If you have been out of the Christmas Crisis loop, here’s how you can help: Get painting!

December Development

Gather up as many wooden toys, cans of paint, and -insert undiscovered item here- as you can! Players will need to mix one of each together to produce a painted toy. Since we’re in a rush to get toys ready for Santa, there’s no time to dally with the details. Paint the toys a solid color of paint and move onto the next one. Time is of the essence.

We read recently in the Morning News that there’s a cold front rolling into WallaVille. It should be here within the next few weeks. It’s sure to bring some snow, man. Get bundled up and ready for some outdoor fun… and that snow joke.

Six more Benson items have hit the map, bringing the total of Bensons to sixteen. While we’re on the topic of location-based play, we would like to address a potential situation that has come to our attention. Late last week, we created a probationary period with new users and their ability to trade lower numbered items. Effective now, new users must wait 7 days in order to send or receive an item under #1000 in a trade. This change was created to encourage our existing collectors to play within the spirit of a location-based game, without shortening a potential experience for someone else. While we encourage the community to recruit friends and family, sometimes this can be taken too far. We want to make sure that new players stick around and aren’t simply used. While no letter of the law has been broken since Benson hit the road, we believe this change will help the spirit of the law moving forward.

Behind the Curtain

Our goal is to create a game that appeals to new players just as much as our seasoned players. When discussing how to best do this, there are some… what we like to call… challenges. New players typically have a different goal from seasoned players, because seasoned players have already completed their sets and are onto their next goal. WallaBee presents players with one simple challenge: complete your sets. The endgame activity after that is completely open to interpretation. Some collectors decide to fill their sets with items with a number that means something to them. Other collectors try to lower their item numbers, in order to decrease their overall average. Both of these goals are great to reach toward, but WallaBee doesn’t have any definitive endgame challenge (outside of Achievements). When looking at how we can expand WallaBee’s gameplay, we consider those who have just begun playing, and those who have been playing for years. There’s something to be said about the dedication our more seasoned players have. They’ve seen the game morph and change over the years, and they’re still here supporting it. As we move forward with developing gameplay, we hope to keep the spirit of WallaBee untouched, as we add in new types of endgame content. However, before we can get to endgame, we have to start at the beginning.

We are beginning research on some UI enhancements for our newer players. We know that jumping into WallaBee can be a slow process (especially with over 2k items in the game). The community helps new collectors in more ways we can say, but there are many things we can do to make the learning curve easier. With the simple addition of visual cues, we can make certain aspects of the game much easier for newer players. This includes, but is not limited to, changing the appearance of Place Items when players don’t have one saved, highlighting possible ingredients, and showing which nearby locations have a Foraging Cooldown active.

There are also some gameplay elements that can be redefined to help both new and seasoned players. Why should Top 100 only refer to the First 100 to complete a set? Why not expand this in-game leaderboard to allow other types of Top 100 gameplay. Want recognition for getting Eggception sub1k? How about for filling Ain’t Nobody Got Time For This Set with all #1955 items? This allows collectors the ability to choose which leaderboard they want to work towards, per set.

Some of these things may happen, none of these things may happen, or all of these things may happen. These are just the types of conversations we’re currently having as a team, regardless of the limitations and timeline. #DreamBig

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

Invasion is coming to a close very soon. What do you think will happen next? There’s no rhyming hint, since there are two more items left. As you begin thinking about the end of this set, take a look at all of the previous items grouped in pairs. It should begin looking like a children’s book.

We’ve Got Company

A creaking was heard, like a hyena’s bite,
as the hatch popped open with a harsh green light.

Wooden Rocker

A simple unicorn rocker made of wood.

Wooden Duck

A simple duck made of wood.

Yellow Paint

What’s yellow and makes a buzzing sound? An electric lemon.

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Willie Nelson. You can read more about this unique here.

Willie Nelson


This Week In WallaBee History

December 10th, 2013:  Bad Santa Yote steps onto the scene, thanks to DeCoyote. Word around town is that Bad Santa Yote isn’t giving out any cards this year, but you can get the Legacy version of this item in a WallaStore near you.

December 11th, 2014:  The WallaBee team began the holiday season by opening their email inboxes for player nominations. Players could nominate 3 players they believed should get special recognition. The 5 players with the most votes were announced the following week, with their usernames written on the Nice List for all to see. We’d like to point out there was also a Naughty List, that elf video makers can never get off of, no matter how hard they try.

December 12th, 2013: Ebenezer Dodson released, kicking off A WallaBee Carol with a most ‘bah humbug’ item. Outside of the founder’s name being hidden in the name, this item also makes reference to Evil Creation, which even to this day costs 9999hc when available in the store.

December 12th, 2016: On this day, the Twelve Days Of Wallamas began. Partridge In A Pear Tree was the first of twelve items, recreating the festive song we all know and love.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app like normal. This internal build has reduced battery consumption when not using the store, as it halts animations from processing until the store is brought back into focus. However, this is causing some strange loading with items, which sometimes appears as the wrong item in the store. This can be confusing during a drop, and we are looking into it.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

This week’s mention comes to us from within WHQ. Andy has been getting into the holiday spirit, which starts with enjoying some delicious gingerbread men. It would seem that Goldie was innocent this whole time, as the real culprit has now been caught red-hatted.

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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December 7, 2017

Weekly Buzz 12/05/2017

Hello Collectors,

We have officially spent our first full week in December, which means that preparations are well under way for the holidays! Some of these holiday plans will be explained through this blog post, while others may surprise you later on in the month. We have a few winter sets planned for December, which are sure to keep you -clears throat- occupied…

December Development

With only one artist (Andy “All-Star” Cameron), WallaBee can only get so many items created. This has been ongoing since the beginning, which is why there have only been 139 sets within almost 6 years. In 2014, WallaBee brought on another talented graphic artist, Robbie Smith, to help bear the load. He began with sets like WallaBucks and ended with A Day In Singapore. After WallaBee came under the Munzee Inc umbrella, focus returned to having one artist.

Unique commissions reopened after the acquisition, to many players’ approval, which has been great for the community and game. We have grown the Unique commissioning process, but have not extended our team of artists. Andy still works tirelessly on both Set items and Uniques. The downside with splitting time is that fewer Set items are released, meaning fewer drops or mixes over a longer period of time. As you may have noticed with recent sets, there have not been many mixes. Lacking items in reserve made this difficult (as well as various high-detailed story-driven items).

One way to combat this issue is to clone Andy into a team of artists, allowing us to pick up production time much faster. Unfortunately, our resources do not cover experimental human genetics experiments (and Andy’s wife wouldn’t approve). So as you can see, our team only has a few options available, which we will share with you now.

  • Option 1: We continue at the pace we’ve been going, with a few items released every week. Fewer mixes, more store/forage drops, space out as evenly as possible.
  • Option 2: Bring on another artist to help with certain sets.
  • Option 3: Force Andy to undergo cyber-enhancement surgery, making him both man and machine, allowing the mechanical portion of his body to draw while his human portion is sleeping.

With the options above, we believe that Option 2 is the best way to move forward. Many more WallaBee items can be made within a shorter period of time, which allows the community to collect, trade, mix, and sell even more items. We hope that you share our opinions on this, because it’s already been decided. John Rogeles (Graphic Artist for Munzee, and creator of V2 WallaBee Achievements) will join Andy in rotation with creating sets for WallaBee. Christmas Crisis will be the first of many sets from John, that we hope everyone will enjoy.

Begin making more room in your pouch, because we have a few winter sets releasing this month. December is the month of giving, and we’re going to be giving a lot! Festivities begin this weekend with the craziness that is Christmas Crisis. Many of Santa’s elves have gone missing, leaving many unfinished toys at the workshop. It’s up to YOU to help save Christmas! We hope you like mixing, because this month’s content will scratch your mixing itch… maybe even excessively.

Speaking of mixing, Christmas Mixers are coming to town! These special mixers have the same specifications with creating items as WallaBee Mixers, but with an added surprise. Christmas Mixers, when mixed together, have a chance of generating honeycombs or locks in addition to the item created. These bonuses will be found in your Transactions page when earned.

In other news, Benson has begun his mission to permanently visit other players. Since there was some confusion about what some of the specifics were, his goal is to make it onto your set of Uniques. He will show up at random Monuments/Sculptures within the game, whether they’ve been there for years or just added recently. However, you may want to make sure that sculptures near you are verified, as Benson only travels to these locations. If you have a monument near you that is not verified, please report it for review. Since most of these locations may not be visible from a street view on Google Maps, please help our BeeKeepers by supplying any necessary details to help determine the validity of the location(s). The next 5 Benson items have been released, so get your hunting hats on!

Special Events

WallaBee’s birthday is just around the corner, which means that the London event is that much closer to a reality. The two main brains behind this event (Cceasar and Stulimont) have been deviously planning some… rather interesting ‘games’ for attendees to partake in, as you can see below. If you’re interested in joining the festivities, you can gather more information in the forums or on Stulimont’s website. With 30 confirmed players for Saturday’s portion of the event, it should be a grand time for everyone participating.

Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

Invasion has seen some crazy development within the past two weeks. What’s happening with the town’s cows? What is that green substance that Flo has found? Will Ray ever get that dumb look off his face? All we can do is hope we get answers soon.

Concerned Call

Once again mobile, Flo called her friend Ray,
“You’ll never believe what I saw today!”


She showed him her findings, however cliché.
“A pile of green goo doesn’t mean it’s doomsday”

Crash Site

When out of thin air, it dove from great height.
They stood perplexed at the spaceship crash site.

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Cooktown Orchid. You can read more about this unique here.

Cooktown Orchid


This Week In WallaBee History

December 4th, 2013: A Victim was found on this day. There were no clues as to what happened, so we asked the community to help interrogate some potential suspects. What was the victim’s name? We don’t know, but we know she wore some circus clothes…

December 5th, 2012: On this day, one of the first Player Uniques was released – Saint Nicholas. This Unique made a huge impact on the community, causing the WallaBee team to restrict the ability for players to send trades for Player Uniques. Luckily for everyone, this restriction was lifted as of Version 2, which allows players to easily trade any items in the game. Thanks for such a great item with a rich history, nicolasm06!

December 7th, 2015: Ms. December was released on this day, finishing the Women of WallaBee calendar set. Our favorite bearded lady has never looked so festive.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – This is something I have personally been testing, and the cause is not the GPS like one might think. Yes, it’s a contributing factor, but it’s actually the store. Testing a version of the app without the store allowed me to keep my battery for MUCH longer than normal. We’re working out a proper fix for this. We are currently testing an internal build of the app that handles the store differently. We hope that this change will drastically save battery when using the app like normal.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Network Error when commenting – We have fixed a bug that threw an error when commenting on certain types of activity, sometimes resulting in a second iteration of a comment.
  • Store Item and Icon don’t match – This is a known issue with how the phone holds store information. At the moment, there is a chance that the previous item image will linger, even though the item has updated to the next one in line (viewable by the honeycomb price and set icon). We’re investigating a fix for this.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

This week’s mention is of a video/project that one of our players created. We present to you an automatic mixing machine! Great idea, Violet. Sometimes mixing all of those mixers and eggs leaves your fingers sore. Such a creative idea!

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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November 28, 2017

Weekly Buzz 11/28/2017

Hello Collectors,

Benson has reached all of his Budget Wonders, and it’s all thanks to players like you! We have enjoyed watching him move around the world and hope that you have as well. Many players have had the opportunity to interact with Benson, taking him to their favorite eateries, theaters, or parks. We have charted out some basic pins to showcase where Benson went around the world, using all locations or just Budget Wonders. Benson met 113 players across the globe during his travels, and after debriefing with us at WHQ, he wants to continue meeting more! Starting in December, Benson will begin showing up at various other ‘budget wonders’ across the globe. Various monuments in WallaBee will be randomly selected for additional Bensons to begin appearing at. If you know of some budget wonders near you that aren’t in the game (Place Guide approved), be sure to add them soon!

EDIT: Benson’s mission is to make it onto your set of Uniques. He will begin showing up at random Monuments/Sculptures within the game, whether they’ve been there for years or just added recently. However, you may want to make sure that sculptures near you are verified, as Benson only travels to these locations. If you have a monument near you that is not verified, please report it and a BeeKeeper will determine the validity.

This type of gameplay allows a rare opportunity to track down a Benson item near you, which helps our players interact with the map in a new way. Benson has been issued through number 5 today, with many more coming within the coming days, weeks, and months.

Gameplay Development – Under The Hood

This week’s development has been filled with various boring backend fixes and tweaks to make the game better. We are working on getting 2.2.2 ready for release, but want to make sure that it’s fully ready. As many of you are well aware, we have a small development team, so getting things happening within a small timeframe doesn’t always work out. We appreciate the feedback that we’ve received from the community about the status of the app. With a development team of two (one backend and one frontend), we do as much as we can. Many of you don’t know that within the past few weeks, our main backend developer, Scott Foster, has moved on to bigger and better things. In his absence, Daniel Fischer (the wizard of Munzee) has stepped into the WallaBee team to help us grow. We wish our best to Scott and thank him for the last 2 years of his service to WallaBee – You will be missed. This doesn’t change the status of the app, but will slow things down a little bit as Daniel learns more of the WallaBee controls. All of the updates we’ve made to speed things up this month have been thanks to Daniel, whom we are very thankful for.

We’ve received many requests in the past few months to join the BeeKeeper team. Well, we have some awesome news for those who are interested. Beginning in December, we will have an application process for a new team of BeeKeepers to be created. These teams will serve for a quarter of the year (3 months), with an evaluation period at the end of the quarter. This will hopefully allow us to make sure that our BeeKeepers are kept up-to-date on information and are passing that information along through the forums. More information will be available soon as to what this overhaul looks like. Wish us luck as we navigate this transition.

We hope that you were able to capitalize on those Cyber Monday deals yesterday! We had many items discounted, including Honeycombs, Locks, and Pouch Upgrades. Since then, we have updated all of our prices for in-game rewards. You can find our new prices by visiting the WallaBee Online Store. Should you have any questions, please let us know by emailing Support@WallaBeeGame.com

Recent Item Highlights

One item from each active set was released this week, giving a bit of much needed variety to recent item releases. Now that Budget Wonders has ended, what will come next? There’s only one more item left in 2017’s calendar set! December is sure to be a chilling experience.

Sonic Assault!

Then, very loud, a long, piercing note!
Flo froze in place with no antidote.

November’s Black Friday

New items! Low prices! Give us your honeycombs!

World’s Largest Killer Bee

Budget Wonder #174: “Keep your honeycombs close when visiting this Hidalgo attraction”

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Jack Frost. You can read more about this unique here.

Jack Frost


This Week In WallaBee History

November 26th, 2015: Who could forget this day? After announcing in the forums that RedCarRobbie was joining the team for ‘special projects,’ Rob announced through a brief live stream on Periscope that there would be a drop-free time on Thanksgiving! The only thing is, a few short hours later, Ms. November released. Rob decided to live stream through Periscope later in the day to give his thanks for the KickStarter support, but the players were too busy spamming “Thanks for Ms. November” in chat to notice. The following April 1st, 2016, Trial and Error was created to poke fun at this moment in WallaBee history.

November 28th, 2013: The First Thanksgiving set released with all items available for Thanksgiving. Talk about something to be thankful for!

November 29th, 2013: There were issues with the Black Friday sale, so the Black Knight appeared on the scene with store purchases (check the item description)! This was also the first day that the Black Mystery Box variant was gifted.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – This is something I have personally been testing, and the cause is not the GPS like one might think. Yes, it’s a contributing factor, but it’s actually the store. Testing a version of the app without the store allowed me to keep my battery for MUCH longer than normal. We’re working out a proper fix for this.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – There is a new version of React Native available which should have this fixed. We will be updating to the newer version of React in the near future to test whether the fix works. More information to come.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.
  • Multiple Item Alerts and Forum Posts upon new item – This should be fixed now!

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

This week’s image comes from Benson’s last stop in the Budget Wonders set – the World’s Largest Killer Bee – compliments of ChucksGhost for sharing this photo in WallaBee Nation. Chuck is a longtime player from Austin, Tx. Within the hour of this item’s release, Chuck was out the door, in his car, and on a 300+ mile drive to get Benson to the last Budget Wonder. Now THAT’S what we call dedication! Hidalgo was hosting a Star Wars themed festival this past weekend, which explains why Yoda is riding this giant killer bee.

If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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November 22, 2017

Weekly Buzz 11/22/2017

Hello Collectors,

We’re here with another Weekly Buzz update. Are y’all excited for Turkey Day? We are! The season of Thanksgiving encourages us to spend time with friends and family and allows us to reflect on what we’re thankful for. As part of the WallaBee Community, we’re definitely thankful for what every player has to offer. Our community is creative, kind, helpful, giving, loyal, hard-working, and unique. We are so thankful for each and every one of you! Thank you for helping make WallaBee great. What are you thankful for?

Gameplay Development

This week’s development has been a continuation of speeding up the app with various adjustments to the backend. We’ve sped up the processing time for creating items and awarding achievements, as well as fixing an annoying notification glitch.

We are continuing to update the app so that we can better track analytics. Along with the helpful feedback from the community, this will help our team make educated decisions when implementing updates and gameplay changes.

What about Mystery Boxes? We know you’re eagerly awaiting to crack some of these gifts open and claim your sweet reward. Black Mystery Boxes will be available through the online store on Cyber Monday. Our store-wide sale is beginning at 10am WHQ time (16:00 UTC) on Monday through 10am on Tuesday. Be sure to check it out!

Recent Item Highlights

Strange things continue to happen in WallaVille. Eerie green lights are seen from Flo’s barn late at night. Upon investigation, she realizes there are cows floating near the ceiling, as if they were in space. What is causing the cows to levitate like this? What will Flo do next? All of these answers and more will come to life soon.

Eerie Lights

Later that night, there was quite a scare,
as eerie green lights filled the night air

Floating Cows

Up in the rafters, the cows were afloat.
As their moo’s for help were caught in their throats


Our trip around the world in search of Budget Wonders is quickly coming to an end. Upside Down Charles Trobe and the Fremont Troll are the 10th and 11th stops for Benson, taking him from South Africa to Australia and the United States within just a few short days. As Benson makes his way to Seattle, players can only guess where we’ll end up…

Upside Down Charlie

Budget Wonder #124: “Visiting Melbourne’s La Trobe University will give you a head rush”

Fremont Troll

Budget Wonder #152: “Troll Ave holds a dark secret, but this guy isn’t talking”

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted Mabry Mill. You can read more about this unique here.

Mabry Mill


This Week In WallaBee History

November 20th – 22nd, 2015: The entire Stache Check set released, but the special mix wasn’t discovered until the 24th.

November 23rd, 2015: Golden Spurs released as the first item in the Midas Touch set.

Honorable Mention: The first Black Mystery Box variant was #237, found on 2013-11-29 00:20:18 UTC.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Battery drains like crazy – This is something I have personally been testing, and the cause is not the GPS like one might think. Yes, it’s a contributing factor, but it’s actually the store. Testing a version of the app without the store allowed me to keep my battery for MUCH longer than normal. We’re working out a proper fix for this.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Some notifications (like comments) show as read when they haven’t been read – We are working on this fix.
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – This is a React Native issue that we’re trying to work around. You can follow the dev gossip here.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

Our third image comes from Benson’s stop in South Africa – the Big Pineapple – compliments of Rhodychick for sharing this photo for Abe. Abe is a new player from South Africa, who used to geocache. He downloaded WallaBee in order to help the community get Benson to this great Budget Wonder! Be sure to send Abe a friend request and thank him for helping Benson.


If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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November 15, 2017

Weekly Buzz – 11/15/2017

Hello Collectors,

It’s time for another Weekly Buzz update. We hope that you are enjoying this new content, as we dive a little behind the scenes with many areas of the app. If you have a suggestion of a topic you would like covered, be sure to let us know.

Gameplay Development

As we mentioned last week, we added some much needed improvements to the app in update 2.2.1. We are updating some code in the app so that we can better track analytics. Along with feedback from the community, this will help our team make more educated decisions when implementing updates and gameplay changes.

Questions have arisen about Mystery Boxes being available soon. The answer to that is… yes! We have some fun things planned for you guys. Stay tuned for next week’s blog post(s).

We’ve updated some code to better help our collectors experiment with Aftershave and Perfume.

There was a minor oversight with the Legacy Achievement, which was awarding players that began playing after May 1st. We have corrected this oversight and set better parameters so that only Version 1 players should have this achievement.

Our dev team is also looking into Forum Notification updates. We appreciate your patience as we dive into this, as the format of the forums has changed since V1. We’re doing this for you guys… and our sanity.

Recent Item Highlights

While we’ve been making sure that purchasing items from the store works to the best of its current abilities, we haven’t seen too many items this week. Now that we’ve begun getting the gears turning in the right direction, hold onto your seats! New items should be releasing more regularly very soon.

Big Pineapple

Budget Wonder #116: “Bathurst’s main attraction is quite delicious”

Marked as the top attraction in Bathurst, South Africa, this giant pineapple sits at almost 56 feet tall. Honeycomb-like shapes can be seen from the walls of the giant structure, which fits well into a WallaBee item. The set icon for Budget Wonders was created with this location in mind, as we knew it would be the hardest location for Benson to reach – definitely a feat worth recognizing.

Electrical Repair

“Holy cow! How’d she get up there?” All Ray could do was stand and stare.

We continue to follow the storyline of a small town on the outskirts of WallaVille; a place that has been having strange occurrences. So far in the story, we know is that there have been missing livestock, power outages, and some strange, glowing goo… but something lurks just beyond the horizon. The townsfolk better keep one eye open tonight.

Player Unique History

With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. This week’s Player Unique Spotlight highlighted The Municher. You can read more about this unique here.

The Municher


This Week In WallaBee History

November 13th, 2013: Snake Charmer was released to lead off the beginning to Journey To The Pyramids.

November 17th, 2014 and November 18th, 2016: WallaBee released updates to better handle push notifications. V1.4.3 launched to help players who were not receiving push notifications, while V1.6 reinstated them back into the game from almost a year hiatus.

November 18th, 2014: Andrew Cameron’s Red Riding Hood released with, you guessed it, Red Hood.

Room For Growth

We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.

  • Spinning Wheel of Death! Crashes! Ugggh! – This should be mostly fixed by now. Please let us know if you experience bad item releases.
  • Battery drains like crazy – This is something I have personally been testing, and the cause is not the GPS like one might think. Yes, it’s a contributing factor, but it’s actually the store. Testing a version of the app without the store allowed me to keep my battery for MUCH longer than normal. We’re working out a proper fix for this.
  • Forum Notifications/Count are missing – Coming in a future update.
  • Lingering spinning wheels on item purchase -This should be mostly fixed by now. Please let us know if you experience bad item releases.
  • Some notifications (like comments) show as read when they haven’t been read – We are working on this fix.
  • Items showing as duplicated in pouch/place – This should be fixed now!
  • Performing an action that triggers a pop up sometimes ‘freezes,’ which needs a hard close to fix – This is a React Native issue that we’re trying to work around. You can follow the dev gossip here.
  • Market Items sometimes not available – This deals with a very rare situation where an item is removed from the market, but the listing is not updated. We are researching what’s causing this.
  • General slowness – Because the app runs completely off of an API, connection to WiFi or data is extremely important. If your coverage dips, your connection will also dip. This doesn’t explain every situation, but needs to be addressed. We are currently working on speeding the app up in various areas. You will notice that the forums perform MUCH faster than before. Our goal is to cut the slow, and speed it up, bro.

Community Content

This is a section of the blog where we will highlight any funny images or videos from the community. These may appear through links in the forums, on Facebook, guides on YouTube, or other sites.

Our second image comes from Benson’s first stop – the Traffic Light Tree – compliments of Colin. Way to add that extra step and take a selfie like Benson! Major kudos!


If you think someone’s content (or your own) is worthy of being highlighted, you can suggest by emailing support or tagging it with #WallaCommunity.

Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com

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