Grab Bags Overview

Hello Collectors,

With all the excitement about Grab Bags, there may be some questions about how rare the Wallapgrahic items actually are. We want to help shed some light on what you can expect to find within Grab Bags, and how often you can expect to find them.

Remember: The main idea behind Grab Bags is to give a narrowed focus for obtaining items, while keeping the element of surprise alive. The ability to quickly target items within a specific set will be very useful moving forward, and gives newer players another way to fill their sets. Grab Bags are similar to blind box vinyls or trading cards – not every Grab Bag opened will produce a ‘chaser.’ Part of the fun is the thrill of finally receiving that rare toy/card/item, even though the process can take time. Our desire is for Grab Bags to be fun for everyone, even with varying individual goals.

Each Grab Bag Unique is themed around a particular set. Since most WallaBee Sets differ in size, how items can be obtained, and price; the math behind Grab Bags varies depending on each set. Take the cost to finish the set, divide it by how many items are in the set, and you have a good guess at the cost of that grab bag. We can’t make every grab bag 2000 honeycombs, because receiving a 100hc item would be a rip-off. We also can’t make bags cost 100 honeycombs when the results can sell in the store for 1000. That’s why every bag is priced based on the contents of the bag. If every set had the same number of items, it would be easy to simply say “Wallagraphics have a 1:13 ratio,” but this is not the case with varying set sizes. To combat the Wallagraphic from Eau De WallaBee being a 1:3 chance, or the Wallagraphic from Great American Road Trip being a 1:52 chance, we had to do things differently. We have broken sets into 4 basic tiers: common, uncommon, rare, and very rare. 1 Common in ~2.17 bags, 1 Uncommon in ~3.33 bags, 1 Rare in ~5.25 bags, 1 Wallagraphic in ~20 bags. These tiers are based on how items are already found within WallaBee. To help visualize what we mean, here’s a look at a few sets.

Circus Set

This is a great example of a proportionately distributed bag. There are more common items than uncommon items and more uncommon items than rare items. This type of layout is very common within various card collecting games. With a small pool of items, players can expect to see the same common item multiple times before they see a rare or very rare item. This is quite different from the next example.

Roadtrip Set

There are 51 items in this set. This example has many uncommon items since most of the set was not used in a mix. With a large pool of items, collectors can expect to see more variation in common items received. The chances of seeing the same uncommon item in this set is not likely before receiving a rare or very rare item. Since there are still four tiers of rarity, the same ratio is applied here as with the Circus set, although it won’t feel as repetitive with more possible items.

Sushi Set

This set has many common and rare items, with only one uncommon item. Although there is only one uncommon in the set, there are multiple variants of it, which may make receiving this item more appealing. The chances of receiving the same rare items from this set are not as likely.

Hopefully, this breakdown helps explain our reasoning for Grab Bags and Wallagraphic items more than before. If you have any questions about what’s been presented here, please contact

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