WallaBee Update 4-20
Hello WallaBee Community!
Today we bring you an update on the WallaBee Staff team and the development of the new app.
We are about 70% done with the new app, and as of last Friday, we were about a day away from releasing a closed Beta test to about 30 people. Unfortunately, two members of the Munzee team left the company on that Friday, which included our main backend developer. With that being said, we hope to find someone else to fill their shoes and get us back on track ASAP. The KickStarter campaign that so many players contributed to has helped us tremendously up until this point, but we are quickly realizing that we need another push to bring on another backend developer to help us through the rest of this new app, and help us get ready for the infamous “V2.”
With this being said, we have batted around many ideas, to which we have finally landed on this:
Mixer Pool of the Century Fundraiser.
As most of you have noticed, the Mixerpool has been in need of a deep cleaning. There has been a lot of junk in there recently, which should have given you more than enough time to hoard mixers for a refill that’s worth your while. We have cleaned out all the junk, leaving a stockpile of over 40,000 items!
What does this Mixerpool look like? Lets take a look…
- Over 500 SD items, including Short Races #1, Unbranded Puzzle Cube #1, and 25c Coin #8.
- Over 4,000 DD items, including Camera #83, Blue Egg #39, and Cowboy Boots #85.
- Over 15,000 TD items, including Blue Egg #228, Red Egg #235, Yellow Egg #168, and Legionary #404.
- Over 15,000 QD sub 2k items.
Does it seem too good to be true? It’s not! With this amount of low numbered Rarebee items, this will be the Mixerpool of the century, without a doubt. I have personally added some nice cards to the pool, including a few DDs and the April Fools day Egg without Stripes #1.
Now that we have your attention, we wanted to share a special offering with you. Although all of these goodies are still available through normal mixing, we are allowing a rare opportunity to buy three new types of Mixers, being sold in the WallaStore beginning at 7:00pm, UTC. Click here to see what time that is for you.
Shiny Mixers
These special mixers will give you an increased pull from the Mixerpool. There is no cool down for these mixers.
Golden Mixer – 2k HC ea – Increases your chances of pulling an item from the Mixerpool to 85%.
Silver Mixer – 1.5k HC ea – Increases your chances of pulling an item from the Mixerpool to 75%.
Bronze Mixer – 1k HC ea – Increases your chances of pulling an item from the Mixerpool to 65%.
Each Mixer will start at #2,001. We are starting these items at #2,001 to hopefully give everyone a peace of mind about mixing. No one looks at the number of mixers now, because the number is so high. The point of these mixers is not to create three new RB items, but give a fun way of getting amazing items out of the pool. Also, #1-#2,000 will be released as prizes from the Mixerpool.
The new Mixer types are going to start off as “Player Uniques,” for the sole reason of not having them available in the market. We want you to mix them, and save the lower numbers you pull from the pool.
ADDED INFO: Orange WallaBee Mixers will still act as per normal, with a 50/50 chance and a 1 minute cool-down period.
During the next few hours, you may see a few of these items come into the game for testing purposes. Please do not be alarmed, as all of them will be resurrected again for tomorrow, with all items pulled from the pool returned.
New Set!
One last thing… We have a new set coming very, very soon.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We hope you enjoy your swim!
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