Weekly Buzz – 09/08/18
Hello Collectors,
This was a short Labor Day week in the US, so we’ll make this update quick!
Behind the Curtain
Andy has finished storyboarding the second set following The Aftermath. The set title is still a work-in-progress, but the items are coming together beautifully. The twists in this story will leave you shocked, with your jaw on the floor!
We continue to push forward with minor updates and gameplay improvements where we can. If you run into any issues, please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing support@wallabeegame.com
Recent Item Highlights
Player Unique Spotlight
With more and more Player Uniques coming out, we want to spend a respectable amount of time learning more about them. Our Player Unique Spotlight this week highlighted Rainbow Bridge. You can read more about this unique here.
Rainbow Bridge
Room For Growth
We have compiled a list of issues that we are currently working on. If you find something that doesn’t fit into this list, please reach out to us and let us know.
- Battery drains like crazy
- Under investigation.
- Forum Notifications/Count are missing
- Coming in a future update.
- General slowness
- Under investigation. Ram Issue.
- Layout Issue (Android Specific) – Entering the app through a push notification, from a landscape-based app, makes the layout freakout.
- Investigating.
- Mix Button Turns Off When Exiting App
- Fixed with next version. Can be worked around now by pulling-to-refresh on the Pouch screen.
- Profile Bio Is Blank
- If you view the editing screen for your profile in settings and don’t update the text, hitting Done will save a blank page. Please keep a backup of your profile text, just in case this happens. If you don’t plan on editing your profile, don’t view it through settings. You can see how your profile looks by tapping your profile picture on your activity.
- Random Crashes (especially on older devices)
- We have discovered that the ram needed for the app fluctuates way more than it should, sometimes peaking over 1gb, which can cause older devices to crash. We are investigating what is causing this, so that we can enhance app performance.
- Store purchases hang up for a long time
- We’re currently working on this. Should be mostly resolved with our continuing changes.
- Store shows new item, but gives something else
- Under investigation. Usually happens when the app hasn’t been closed.
- Unresponsive Buttons – Performing certain navigation changes can cause various pages to become unresponsive. Closing the app resolves the issue.
- Fixed with next version.
Any additional questions, comments, concerns? Email: support@wallabeegame.com