Unique Spotlight – Be Kind To Animals
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
Owner: WiMPiE
How To Get: You can buy one in the ‘Uncanny Unique Store’ for 19 hc each or you can forage one for free at an ‘animal friendly’ location! I also have a few DD’s left to trade for missing TD’s or missing uniques…
Meaning: With this unique I want to be a voice for those who don’t have one. I want to raise awareness for animal rights and the treatment of animals worldwide. Animals should be treated with respect and compassion… Please help me spread the word… Feel free to buy, forage, drop, recycle or trade as much as you like! I would love to see this unique end up in animal friendly places all over the world…
Which number unique is this for you? This is my first unique and I’m very proud of it!